Lapel pins also known as enamel pins, are small pins worn on clothing, often attached to jacket lapel pins, pockets, or fabrics. The lapel pin can be decorative or indicate that the wearer belongs to an organization or cause. Boutonnière was worn before the pin became popular. Lapel pins are commonly used in various organizations as a symbol of achievement and affiliation. Organizational pins are often collected by members and non-members alike. Companies, businesses, and political parties also use lapel buttons to indicate achievement and membership. Lapel buttons are a common element of employee awards programs and are presented to individuals as a symbol of achievement. Like the fraternity and sorority pins, these pins convey the feeling of belonging to an elite group of performers within an organization. Companies are also more likely to give lapel buttons to their employees to increase their morale, productivity, and engagement. pin badges

The Soviet Union was mass producing it. In addition to pins as souvenirs for politicians and tourist attractions, there were pins for various sports, cultural and political events and technical achievements of the Soviet Union. Collecting and exchanging pins has also become a popular hobby in recent years. Demand for pin designs based on popular cartoon characters and themes such as Disney, Betty Boop, and Hard Rock Cafe has skyrocketed, leading to the creation of pin trading events and other social activities. Disney's pin trade is a prime example. In the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, unique pins with portraits of Lenin and Mao Zedong were worn not only by young people, but also by members of the Communist Party and those who wanted to show off their official political beliefs. In Czechoslovakia, the Mao Zedong badge / pin was used by non-national youth as a means of inducing a "normalization" reaction of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, which was banished in the late 1960s and early 1970s as a mischief and after 1968. It was worn. In the 1970s, Guru Maharaj Ji's initiators used extensively, sometimes very large buttons with images of Guru's face.
Especially after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, US politicians often wear American flag pins. Until 2008, the flag pin was "the fastest fashion way for a politician to convey his or her patriotism." Practices have declined somewhat over the next decade. Read more...